Wellness, Massage, Reiki
Intuitive Healing
Intuitive Healing is the use of intuition to understand the body’s needs and what it needs to heal. I use my own intuition to aid the body in healing. I can tap into both the body’s physical and emotional needs for balance. I am a skilled massage therapist and Reiki Master. These physical talents aid my intuitive abilities in guiding me to create a customized service for my clients. You will receive a session that combines massage, energy work plus and intuitive reading. I use every tool to intuit what the body is holding on to, release it and also physically align the body. My intuition is guided by both yours and my spirit guides that provide images, words, sounds and feelings to give you information about those surrounding you and assisting you through life and possibly difficult times.The session is all encompassing to leave you refreshing, in balance and feeling more whole.

90 Minute Intuitive Healing
75 Minute Intuitive Healing
60 Minute Intuitive Healing

Massage Therapy
My style of massage is very biomechanically based. I can discern the dysfunctions of the body to decide how to provide the best service. I use Swedish, Myofascial, Deep tissue and Neuromuscular techniques to get the ideal results. I have a background in physical therapy, biomechanics and medical massage. The years of experience combined with this type of work has led me to work with all types of clients from 10 year olds to 95 year olds. I specialize in Deep Tissue work to release a realign the body to reach it’s best functional state and being mechanically sound. Soft tissue work not only keeps the body in working order but can assist in the day to day activities of life, working out and getting through your day. Massage is best done when the body is not in an acute phase but rather as self care and maintenance. Body work is about releasing tension and creating harmony from within.
90 Minute Functional Massage Healing
75 Minute Functional Massage Healing
60 Minute Functional Massage Healing
30 Minute Functional Massage Healing
Reiki Therapy
Reiki is an ancient healing technique that is based on the principle that the practitioner is the conduit for using Universal Energy to remove old and stagnant energy from you, the client, and sending it out to the Universe to be reabsorbed. You are then “refilled” with all the good and positive energy. It heals the body naturally restoring you to physical and emotional balance. Every session is different, you can feel tingling, warmth, sleepiness, floating or sometimes nothing at all until hours later, as it is a cumulative effect. It differs from massage which works the physical body, Reiki works the energetic body. It clears emotional and physical blocks that can get stored up from traumas. The ultimate goal is to produce internal healing with the Universe’s energy that lasts for hours and sometimes days. The goal of a Reiki session is to leave feeling lighter, brighter and at peace with yourself.
90 Minute Reiki Healing
60 Minute Reiki Healing

Distance Healing
The idea of energy work is rooted in the fact that your body is designed to heal. It is always looking to regain balance and harmony. So my work is simply to help remove blocks so your body can do what it knows so well. As a healer, I am just a conduit. The good news is, we don’t have to be in the same room or even the same city for us to work with your energy field to help refill your cup and restore at the root. To get the most out of a distance healing session, all you need is a quiet space to relax and chill for an hour. We start with a quick phone conversation to set up the session. From there, we get down to business for whatever your body calls for (this is the intuitive part, and every session is different from the last.) Follow up session: following the session, we’ll find a time to reconnect for a 30-minute chat. We’ll talk about your experience: what you felt, saw, visualized and experienced in your body and mind. I also share my reflections about blockages that I encountered in your body. Most of the time, my clients walk away with simple maintenance exercises to continue supporting the healing process. Sometimes it’s a bit more involved, but we won’t know until we get there